Hey there. So, I’m writing for this thing now. I go by ManaTree on the ‘netz, but I’m not anyone big. Yet.

And that’s the point, isn’t it? Why we all do the things we do? To do what we like in a satisfactory way?

So I’m here. Graciously given a chance by DrugCrazed to write.

And that is what will happen.

But first, let’s drop the srs bsns.

I’m currently an engineering student in the States with a huge interest in games and music. I’ve got very little to my name barring a review on the brazened Gaming Daily and probably random comments on the ever lovely Rock, Paper, Shotgun (random adjectives may have been used in the construction of this post). To give perspective, I’m essentially a no one. I’ve got several games I’m collaborating on, and a personal one I really hope I do eventually get out, but certainly not for a while.

It’s safe to say I have too many hobbies; I think this is because my mind is weird like that. It likes to take a passing interest in everything. My “feature” post, in fact, will be around what everyone in PC gaming can do to further improve its state, with a bent towards economics. My entire interest in economics and business is voluntary. Besides the obvious games aspect I’ve noted, my other huge interest is in all aspects of music. Finding music, making it (albeit I have issues getting it out of my head and onto a file), selling it (though just in theory), and for the last couple years, breakdancing to it.

And the best part, is that all of it can be applied to games, and vice versa.

If there is, indeed, wisdom I can part, it’s that everything is connected. One thing is all other things. And all things can be one thing.

Try that out for size.

    • ManaTree
    • August 18th, 2010


    Maybe I should’ve put a picture or two. So I’m not completely faceless. Maybe later.

    I like the titles of the “related posts. Totally what I was aiming for. Possibly related? Yes, possible.

    • Get a gravatar. That’s what we’ve done

        • ManaTree
        • August 18th, 2010

        I just need to link mine, but I’d rather not use a picture of me (it’s currently not). It’s just not fitting. I’ll figure out something else.

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